
It is a small smog drone and mobile app used to contact local authorities whenever suspicious smoke can be observed over a house so that the municipal police can take immediate action.

The project was developed during a hackathon organized by Kozminski Business Hub, Microsoft, GovTech Center and Zgierz Municipality. Within the 24-hour hackathon, we researched the problem, analyzed technological possibilities, created a pre-MVP and prepared a project pitch.

Zrzut ekranu 2022-08-6 o 22.29.34.png

<aside> 🏆 1 st award - Hackathon “Eco Technology For Cities” organized by Microsoft, PwC, Centrum GovTech and Kozminski Business Hub



  1. Problem definition
  2. Risk assessment
  3. Competitive analysis
  4. Business model
  5. MVP development
  6. MVP deployment in Zgierz

User flow diagram

User flow diagram

My Role

I was involved in everything from working on the product specification and exploring the possibility of building solutions in lean methodology to the actual creation of the MVP of the drone and mobile app.

I spoke with cities, held a meeting with the Minister of Climate - Michał Kurtyka, the director of the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection - Marek Chlibowski, the Director of the Laboratory of the Inspectorate of Environmental Protection - Mirosława Zbroś and experts from the Mazovian branch of the inspectorate. I managed also to set up meeting with board members of Polish Flight Authority.

<aside> 📱 Product development


<aside> 💬 Partnerships


<aside> 🥸 Coordination



<aside> 🚀 Smog Radar was successfully deployed in Zgierz


<aside> 🚫 The project was discontinued due to insufficient market size and low interest from municipalities
